Hello guys!! What I've missed here? Well, as you know, I am so busy these days! So, here's what I've been doing lately. Oh, yeah, designing of course. :) And writing my essay and some other assignments. You know, couple days ago, I downloaded so many cute pics and played with its colors. I love colorful, and shabby and vintage colors at the same time. I also love B/W. I don't know. It seems like I love and likes everything! LOL. But yeah, you know my mood. :p
Tell me what do you think and which one you guys like the most. It's so hard for me to choose, which I like the most. I like them all. :D Well, since it is impossible (read: I don't know how) to make rollover images that more than one, so, you have to compare it manually . :)

Here are some of my modifications with its color. I have some more, but I won't upload it here. This is enough I guess. Tell me what do you think. :)
Anyway, I also played with my Illustrator. Here's what I've got. This strawberry was my first attempt. I'm quite satisfied with the result. I just couldn't believe I finally made this! This is my first vector too! I didn't draw the strawberry manually, with my mouse-I do need a WACOM!-it's all done digitally in Adobe Illustrator CS4. I'm thinking to make it as my etsy shop logo, with some more modifications or well, I could sell it. I've found that some people sell vector like this. I don't know. I'll think about it later. As for now, I'm focusing on designing and learning new things and tools, for my personal improvement in design. Have I ever told ya, that I was afraid, stepping into the real world? Like working in design industries as a designer without a formal design backgrounds? Well, yes. I was afraid. I am so afraid that I'll make a wrong decision for my future. But, now, I am so confident about it. I mean, I'm not a genius and pro in designing stuffs. I still need practicing and follow some tutorials. I still keep on learning and practicing everyday. But yeah, I can see very clearly, how's my future will be like, with me working as a designer. I also plan to get some design courses. Just in case... well, as you know, some people need a prove that we're good before they choosing us designing for them. I mean, not everyone could believe in our works just by looking or examine our portfolio. Sometimes, they believe if we were good from our education, school, from where we're graduated. Even for me, those doesn't always prove that they good enough. But yeah, why not?
I think it's a great idea, I'd love to take some courses, even I know, I could learn by myself. There are so many great tutorials out there, over the internet, from books. You can learn from everywhere. But you've got my point, right? And another point, the thing is, "your will" to study and learning more about it that matters, last but not least, I think it will be cool if I can have a certificate of graduation from design school/institute, with a very outstanding scores, :D
Talking too much, eh? :p Here the pics, btw...

Anyway,, I also designing for my friend's musical drama's projects. Which it soon will be new "additional student activity" program in our university. They asked me to design it's logo. I'm not done with that yet, but two days ago, my friend asked me to make open recruitment poster. The idea is simple but eye-catching. My first idea was far from this. Not like this, at all, but, finally I came up with this. Is this enough?

Well, that's it. I still have many more pics that its color already edited. Well, save it for next time. Enough for today. I'll be back doing my essay. Deadline is tomorrow. Gosh!! Umm, bcoz of my busyness, I missed some new movies. But tomorrow, I'm going to watch MegaMind and Social Network. Hopefully we could make it. See ya!! :)
Buenas noches!
P.S. I Skipped today's class. Not because I want to but bcoz of the damn rain!!! I simply H.A.T.E. rain! BTW, did you notice something new in here? Well yeah, It's my new "Foursquare Badges List" tab. I finally managed to learn how to coding it, umm.. I still copied the main codes from tony felice's blog tho. Cool isn't it? :D
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