How are you guys? I just can't believe that this is my first blog on 2011. Where have you been? You must've questioned me with that line. I'm going to nowhere. I don't really busy since finally I've finished my studies in university and my essay is done-Thanked God-I just need some revisions and making the abstract. But well, I will always succeed giving you guys some excuses about my absence, but yeah, that me and so does everybody else. :p Anyway, I'm just hard to find a perfect time to blogging. Recently, I'm making themes for my blackberry and also upgrading my Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator to the newest version, CS5.
Now I have to tell you, that was full of pain. The size is so damn BIG while the internet runs so damn slow. I don't have to explain about this and how this affected to my mood. Until now, I still trying to download Adobe Illustrator. I've got the portable version tho, but I just feel that it's not okay. I need a stable applications that installed in my dear Vesca. You know, the portable version is not stable, when you try to open it, it takes so long, and the portable version has some missing plugins and there's no way you could install the missing plugins and fix it. Oh of there's a way, I won't bother to try tho, I rather choose to buy the CD's and re-install it. End of problem.

I'm currently using this. :)
This one is still in progress.
So, what do you think of my first blackberry themes?
You know, sometimes, because you want every things that internet's provide for free, you have to deal with so many errors and it took your most valuable thing away from you. Your time, and in my case my patience. I'm kind of people who had a very high patience levels, I'm totally can control it, but in some case and mood, you can't count me on! These few days, my patience is being tested and let me tell you this, I FAILED. I'm just can't stand it anymore. Luckily, I already have Adobe Photoshop Extended CS5, since 3 days ago, but for that long, I've tried to download Adobe Illustrator CS5, and it's full of disappointment.
I've released my anger to anything, anyone, like I deleted all the files that I've downloaded which I've got it in a hard and painful way, and mostly complaining on twitter and to my Anyi
-such a bad behavior!-Poor him. But how lucky I am to have him, who always stand by me no matter what and you can always rely on him. This is good and bad at the same time, but for the moment
/read:forever/ ;p I will very dependent on him
-in a positive way-
Anyway, I don't know what to say anymore, actually I don't have any idea about what am I going to write today, but I'm glad I made it. Finally I posted something here. :) Well, last but not least, I just want to let you know that I just love the new PS CS5. Everything about this application are just awesome! Very genius. As you can read on my twitter couple days ago, if you followed me, I was so sad while I uninstalled my PS CS3, she's been a good tool to me and she's so handy and I already get used to it. But for better performance and better and newer tools, sadly I have to uninstalled her. But it's worth it. :) So, I know this kinda late, but to all Photoshop-er, professional or newbie, three words for you, UPGRADE YOURS NOW! or regret it later. :p
C.I.A.O. I'll see you guys pretty soon. :)
The Old Year has gone. Let the dead past bury its own dead. The New Year has taken possession of the clock of time. All hail the duties and possibilities of the coming twelve months! ---Edward Payson Powell