Why oh why today I feel like blogging again and again and again! I’m so in a mood ;) Well, I’m going to make a confession, I’ve been back to Jakarta for 3 weeks and you know what, I’ve spent too much on buying things! I’ve just checked my bank account through internet banking and goodness! I can’t even write down the number I’ve spent within these 3 weeks! Shopping was really burned a hole on my pocket, I need to do a serious saving, or else, I’ll be broke to the bones! *sobsob*
But HOW? I don’t have any idea, at all. Moreover, see, tomorrow I’m going out, for a date-a movie, lunch and maybe I’ll join my housemate for a dinner, well, I don’t know, we’ll see tomorrow. I just couldn’t believe, how easy I spent on something way too much, while couple months ago, I could resisted the temptation of buying this and that, for iPhone’s sake!
Let’s blame the Jakarta Great Sale event, you know, three days after I back in town, I went out with my Medan’s friend, Ellen to TA and Central Park, new mall, located right next to TA. It’s opened for quite a long time, but I never had a chance to pay a visit, so yeah, we went there. Starting with looked around for every corner of this new mall, then had lunch, then *small voice* we decided to do window-shopping, but hey! Zara’s off up to 50% what a great deal!

How could you resist that temptation? You tell me! I know if I didn’t decide to go out on the first place, I can avoid of me buying so many things that actually I don’t really need, but yeah, I’ll be stuck 24/7 stuck in boredom, and stuck in my room just like what is happening to me now! I need a fresh air, so it’s not a crime if I decided to go out, once in a while, right or right? :p

Well, then we tried this and that. I ended up bought a dress and long-sleeve blouse. Here’s an excuse, I gave my Zara sweater to mum, because it’s oversized to me, so, I need a replacement, make sense, to you? :p That’s why I bought that long-sleeve blouse, with an extra-gift to myself, a dress. It’s lovely, and actually it’s quite big to me it’s “S” size already, they don’t have the “XS” anymore, but I love the dress so I took it. :p
I came home with stuffed belly and two pieces of clothes but my total spending that day costs me more than half of my monthly allowance! Then the weekend came. I went out with my housemate, two days in a row, Saturday and Sunday. To satisfy our desire in culinary hunting, we had our lunch at “Kopi Tiam Oe”. The place is small, designed with oldie theme. The interior design didn’t impress me much, but the food is superb! Everything that we ordered tasted so good. I might want to come back here to taste another menu. Sadly, if you visit it by lunch time, you can only ordered foods on “lunch” section on the menu, so does if you come at brunch time or dinner or even supper time.
The prices are very reasonable, quite cheap, I think, because the portion is big and food tasted delicious, but looks less appetizing. Anyway, right after that, we went to PI, EX and GI. We had an issue while finding cab that’d took us there. It’s quite hard to find a cab and the taxi driver was very rude! Okay, forget about it! I’m not going to discuss it here. It gives me tense!

Here we go again, shop till drop!! I don’t know, for what I can remembered, I only bought this little things and another little things, but in the end, it costs too much on me. SIGH!! We also went to Casablanca to buy some DVDs and some more things and oh yeah! I finally got my portable cutlery set with reasonable price. On Sunday, we ate at Sushi Tei, to satisfy our sushi-craving! Oh yeah, I also did a macaron-hunting while I visited these malls. Thanked God, this little cutie French biscuit is hard to find, or else, I’ll ended up broke to the bones just to buy this little stuff! The price is killing! It’s damn expensive! SIGH!! But I just can’t stop buying them, every time I went to somewhere and I see these macs! :D

Well, the story of “Claustrawberry the shopaholic” is not ending here. Two days ago, I went to GI, PI, EX again. You know why! To buy my Harry Potter movie tickets and black shoes. I was trying to find a black heels or Zara pumps, but I couldn’t find something that makes my heart fall for them. So I decided to buy it at Charles & Keith. No more sale and discount! HIKS!! So, I bought it with normal price which is quite expensive! Well, okay, I’ve told mum about this! This shoes is for work, so it’s okay, moreover, dearie with his kind heart pay it for me. FYI, I’m not kind of girl who loves to ask something from my boyfriend, or ask him buying this and that for me, and he said take it as a gift from his first salary and because he said he never buying me anything, I have to accept it! Are you kidding me, honey? I don’t need that, dear! And who said so? You already gave so many things to me, the precious one, which are your caring and love to me ;) but I guess, for this time, I do really really need it, so I’ll take it. Oh darling, thank you so so much for this! I’ll pay you once I have an extra money, next month, it’s few days away! Won’t take too long, besides, his birthday is near, so I’ll prepare something special just for you. ;)

Hmmm… enough for my confession! Please forgive me, for being such a shopaholic.. LOL :p Btw, one of my besties, Steffi is in town! We’re both are alike, or maybe she’s worst *sorry dear, if you read this* :p We’re going to rock the malls next week, thanked God it’s new month. I don’t know what is going to happen! As we already planned to go out for shopping, food and macarons hunting, movies and a lot of meet up to chat and take bunch of pics etc. :p I do really really need to find job! So, I can do all these stuffs with no regrets! :p