Has just finished watching the last chapter of Harry Potter series. It was really a great movie. It’s pathetic to know the fact that I’ve watched it on my lappie, downloaded the pirated version with blurry picture-thanked God, it still acceptable and actually it’s pretty clear for a pirated version, I still could see the death-eaters, which means, it’s not too dark for our eyes to enjoy the show-not in the cinema as I planed year ago, that I’m going to watch it on Premiere Studio at EX. Fuck to Indonesia’s government and all of those crazy silly banning Hollywood movie policy! What a shame, me as a potter mania, watched it this way! I’m going to watch it again tho, once they screening it on the cinema, because if the rumor is true, this movie is on its way to the theater. I don’t know, we’ll see.
Talk about this movie, the final battle was bloody awesome! I found out that David Yates shouldn’t make this “short” :p three parts, if it’s possible, but I guess I couldn’t wait for 3 years for that. LOL. Anyway, I’ve read the books, so, I already knew the story line, but still I shed some tears when Severus and everyone else died. Moreover, it’s sad to know that this is the end, the final of everything. Sometimes, I still hope that next year will be another potter series, or well, could you remake them or added an extended version or whatever it is, just gimme some more!! :D I believe everyone out there wanting the same with me.
Now as I already watched it, it makes me want to re-watch it again on cinema so badly. Gosh!! I just can’t wait anymore!! Anyway, once they release the blu-ray version, I’m going to buy the complete series and we’ll see if I can find a perfect time to watch them continuously. :D
Well, all I have to do now is just patiently wait till it hits the cinema and then, another wait for Pottermore. I also can’t wait for this one. I’m 100% sure that it’s going to be awesome just as the books and the movies. So, have you submit your email(s)? If you haven’t, well, you better hurry up! :D

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