Well, I've been in love with photography, cute and beautiful pics since long time ago. Can't tell when is exactly the day I started to waste my time to browsed around the internet to see these lovely pics. All I know is I heart it for quite a long time already. Unfortunately, I don't have any good equipments for taking such a beautiful scenery, gorgeous food and stuffs and everything that I could see and snap it into pics. I simply don't have any digital camera, until now. Thanked God, now I have my iPhone 4, the camera is pretty nice and that's one of the reason(s) why I upgraded my 3GS.
Now that I already had my iPhone 4, I started to took more pics than before. I did take bunch of pics using my 3GS and it was awesome except the fact that after 6 p.m, I couldn't get any nice pics anymore, but grainy and full of noise pics. I hate that tiny little grainy and noise on my pics. I love sharp, crisp, clear and some nice-blurry on the background of the object. I know if I want this, I should get a DSLR. Well, I'll get myself one, but not in the near future for sure, that's why, I need to find apps for my iPhone that will supporting me in taking good pics from my iWhite.
There are bunch of great yay and nay apps on iTunes store but sadly haven't found any good apps for noise/grainy removal or reduction, except the one that I have to pay, and I don't know, I just don't want to pay for that. Why? First, it's because, I JB my phone, so, I think skeptically, that I already JB-ed it, it means I could get everything for free and it feels good when you can have almost all expensive apps for free, so, no way you could force me to buy them. Second, it's maybe I'm thinking of my DSLR. Currently I'm starting filling up my piggy-bank. So, the more saving that I did, means one step closer to the DSLR. Well, I, myself don't know until when I could stay this way. The temptation of buying those apps, especially, new apps and they are not available yet on installous is very big. You know, at the moment, I am so proud of myself, to have such a way of thinking so that I could do (ehm) saving, or let's say, not wasting more money on these apps. :p
What a relieved, today, an hour or two before I start typing this, I found a gorgeous plugin for my Adobe Photoshop CS5, it's called DeNoise. I don't have to explain what's the function. You can tell by its name, right? And what's good about it? Start from now on, you won't see any grainy/noise on my pics. Seriously, if I'm not too lazy to edit them first and reduce or remove the noise/grainy if it possible before I post it on my blog or anywhere. Tee Hee :p
I should say that luck is my very best friend today. I've been looking for this kind of feature and apps for ages and sigh, all I have to do is spending a lot of money on them, if I really want to get them, but today, I've got this product, worth $79.99 for FREE!! Imagine!! :D The result was great and lovely. Every grainy pics that I edited with this plugin turned out great and just like you snapped them with DSLR or well, at least digital camera. Impressive, isn't it?
Anyway, I decided to get myself an external macro/wide-angle lens for my iPhone 4, or maybe I need a tripod for my iPhone. I'm not so sure yet, but, I guess, it's possible in a few weeks or next month maybe, you're gonna read a review about it here, on my blog. We'll see... :D
So, I guess I gotta go. I want to do some more experiments with my new plugin. You'll see the difference that I've talked about, in one condition, if I am be able to upload them here, as you know, old story, internet issue.
Update!! Internet being so nice, I could upload these, with quite big size, even after I resized them. For details, full view, please, simply by click the pics above-will be opened in new tab-and tell me what do you think :) On the first pics (3rd) one, actually I love that app, unfortunately, as you can see, it took with small size around 50-200kb with dimension: 480*640 px and 720*960 px (if I set it to HD quality) and you can't really took pics with it at nighttime or in a low-light situation, because it doesn't support iPhone 4's flash-well, to be honest, even me rarely use the flash, tho-. Anyway, it's a bit blurry after I applied the plugin, but I can deal with it because it makes my pics even nicer, especially on food pics, it makes the food looks yummier :D Buh Bye Grainy and Noise :D
Till we meet again, fellas!
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