One of Mum's Tea-set Collections. The plate was somehow missing or misplace, so I replaced it with other set.
Heyyy sugarpies! How's life? I'm busy at the moment, busy with my photo editing :p You know, since I found the filter that I've talked about on my previous post, I can't stop snapping more and more and of course, editing the pics! I've joined Flickr like ages ago, but I never upload anything there. I created the account just to fave people's photos that I love. Now, I started to upload my edited photos there. Click here to view :)
Well, I'll see you guys again pretty soon, as for now, I need to tweak my layouts and add link to my Flickr account and of course, Pottermore, to create an easy access for me and for you guys, if you wish to add me as your friend on Pottermore, adiós a mi amigo :)
P.S. Oh Geez!! It's raining mannnnnn!! Hate hate hate. Enough. I'm out.
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