Hola! this post is dedicated to my beloved mum and youngest brother. Both of them celebrate their birthday today. What a day. Dad sent me their picture while had a delicious dinner made by mum couple minutes ago, they looks so happy. I feel the joy and really wish I could be there to celebrate their special day. Anyway, I've told you on last post that September is surely a great and lovely month, right? I've just got an email from Pottermore said that I can access the site now. Early access as a beta user is LOVE! The site is EPIC, unfortunately iPhone's internet is in turtle mode, so yeah, I have to be patient.
The site is currently in Beta, the access is limited. We can't really access to all of features yet, and I experienced some bugs and errors, but all I can say for now, the site is cool. Can't wait till they release the full version of the site. I just can't wait to experience the magical site of Pottermore fully with its awesome features.
Hopefully, by Monday I'll be hearing another good news, finger crossed. Well, as I planned before, I made a No-Bake Chocolate Tart this morning. It's yum! I took some pics while I was making the tart, will post more review about it and the pics tomorrow, as for now, the internet is too slow for me to upload loads of pics here anddddddd.... I'm going to explore to Pottermore again so, see ya aligator!
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