Today, is a happy yet the sad day. This morning while Indonesia time and date was already 6th October, my mothly anniversary, which is still 5th October in Cupertino, California, one of the most innovative man in the world died. He's my hero and my inspiration. The man who changed the world and really make this world to be a better place to live and to enjoy with his masterpiece gadgets, which are known as the most innovative and awesome gadgets ever invented! He is of course Steven Paul Jobs, a.k.a Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Inc. Steve Jobs, the mastermind behind Apple's iPhone, iPad, iPod, iMac and iTunes, has died "peacefully," surrounded by his family members at the age of 56.
It's just a day after they announced the iOS 5 and the iPhone 4S. Maybe he's already knew it's coming, that's why they've chosen 4th October to announced it.
Anyway, I have no more words to say. I've had enough split everything out to my twitter account this morning. This blog post is dedicated to him. May he Rest In Peace and hopefully, Apple will keep shinning even without Steve. I know he is watching from up there, and please, send all your creativity, imagination, brilliance, passion and energy as well as your genius ideas to the people in the company, so they can run the company well and create a good stuffs out of it.
My deepest condolences goes for you and your family.
P.S. Now, I'm thinking to have iPhone 4S for Jobs' sake. :D
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10/6/11, 5:15 PM
We have lost a great creative and innovative person, who went to the end of his ideas without giving up, and so to come to make unique and innovative concepts.
The communications and new technologies as we know them today are like this with his creativity and different ideas over the time, over the eras.
Thanks to him. Condoleances to Steve Jobs, his family and all of the people who worked with him.
Peace. ♥
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