My JB-ed iPhone Homescreen with iOS 4.3.1 :)
I should blog about this tomorrow morning, right after I install the iOS 5, to give you some reviews about it, but yeah, currently, I don't know what to do anymore beside waiting, waiting and waiting for the whole day for this iOS. I'm currently reading Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro, but it seems like I can't concentrate, so yeah, I put it down and decide to blogging.
To be honest, until this moment, I'm still unsure whether I should upgrade it right away or not. I might get new awesome features and yet loosing all of my pirated apps and tweaks, since it's currently unjailbreakable-or let's say, tethered JB-But yeah, I guess, I can't wait for any longer anymore. :)
Anyway, it gave me headache, every time I saw my iTunes. I don't know what the hell is wrong with it, but until now, I can't access to iTunes store. It always showed a white blank page. SIGH. I've un-installed and re-installed it, loosing everything, but it stays the same. Can't opened iTunes store, can't backup anything etc etc. I have no ideaaaaaa at all. A friend of mine suggesting me to upgrade my laptop, which is means, I have to re-formatted it. Hoahhh!! I don't know what to do. Let's just wait for the freaking iOS 5 out first and we'll see if I am be able to download and install it to my phone.

Okay, let's get out of here and waiting again. iOS 5 is around the corner. It will be arrived in any minutes now.
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