Hello my abandon blog! How are you? I should update this blog often. As someone very dear to me said that this blog I have it as my diary, isn't it supposed to be filled everyday? So true. But my mood easily changed from time to time and it's hard to keep back on track, but I'll try my best to update it everyday. Just pray for me.
I had great times within these few days. So many things happened. Good and bad of course. But I don't feel like sharing it here. I saved it all for myself, it was too sweet and too sour to be true, sorry. All I can say, it's only another day to be remembered. Today, I feel so blue. Nothing's bad happened, don't worry. But "something" really happening at the moment. Something's wrong inside me. Can't really explain what happened to me today and yesterday. I cried a lot since last night. I feel blue. Not in a good mood and I'm literally sick. Got a massive headache in the morning followed by stomachache then in the afternoon, gastric. I lost my appetite and I feel like I am not who I really am. That's enough said.
Currently, it rained heavily outside-I hate it!-and me with a very bad bad mood, sitting there on my comfy bed on my favorite corner, with iPhone on hand typing this line would bring no good at all. So I'm leaving now. I don't feel like blogging at all, but I need to update things here so this is it.
Hopefully I'm getting better tomorrow. Pray for me, will you.
P.S. I miss everyone dear to me. I miss home, family, friends, all of them and most important, you and you. Rain surely bring no good to me! I don't even know what am I typing and what am I thinking right now.
I'm out~
P.S.S To my dear friend, if you read this line, Still remember Johnny Depp's quote that you've told me this evening? Now I don't even know which one is the 1st and which one is the 2nd.
3 love notes (+add yours?)
10/12/11, 12:48 PM
Sorry about being MIA the other day! Are u still unsure about who's 1st and 2nd dear? xx
10/12/11, 2:07 PM
No worries dear :) I don't know.. I think I'm lost. :'(
10/16/11, 5:47 AM
Deep down, you have the answer already, trust me :)
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