This is way too late, but I've just finished watched this movie. It's about an underwater cave diving team experiences a life-threatening crisis during an expedition to the unexplored and least accessible cave system in the world. A friend of mine said that it's based on true story. Well, the movie was okay, but I'm here not suggesting you guys to watch it or give a good or bad opinion about it. It's just because couple hours ago before I watched this movie, my house mate was telling her 3 days trip as backpackers with her boyfriend. Such a great experience, she said. That's why I am so excited and I came up with this post. Anyway, we decided to make plan to hiking to mountains, rafting and doing others adventures! I just can't wait to make it to reality. I love doing such things, you know, but haven't got chances to do that. And of course, old story, permission not granted. SIGH.

But you know, mum and dad, we've grown up a bit, I suppose, so, we can take care of ourselves. Don't worry too much, okay. I will still let you guys know, when I'll be going to do such things, with or with your permission of course. :D Hopefully permission granted and we can make it in the near future, as for now, I still have pretty much free time. Finger crossed.

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