Good Morning! It's bloody 5.13 am-while I started typing this-and I'm already wide awake from 4 something in the morning. Last night I could sleep well, I can say, but still, I am so so sleepy because of woke too early. Anyway, what the hell am I doing since then? Well, I browsed around and find some interesting quotes on twitter, from The Love Stories. You must have heard about it, right? Well, yeah, I was the one who creating the logo for them :) This account is worth to follow! Let me tell you that once again. You can find many quotes that suits you the most, no matter what is your mood at the moment, believe me. So, what are you waiting for? Click the follow button right away, if you've already had a twitter account, simply follow this link :)
Anyway, here are what I've found this morning. I just love and can't more agree with the quotes. Couldn't help myself for not re-post the quotes here, even I already RT-ed them on my twitter account. :D
THINGS HAPPEN FOR A REASON... they really do. You may not understand it at the moment, but in time it will all make sense to you!
Remember: Don't make any decisions when you're ANGRY. And Never make any promises when you're HAPPY!
You'll never have EXACTLY what you want, but in the end God always gives you exactly what you need to make you into the person you should be.
The only thing in life that is worth waiting for is Love. Wait for someone who makes you smile when you're at your saddest. It's worth the wait! Love can't always be measured by how long you wait. Its about how you understand why you're waiting.
People have many different meanings for love but one thing is for sure. Lust is the desire for the body & Love is the desire for their soul.
Umm, I can do this all day long, but I have to stop now, as I'm going to late for work if I don't go for a shower now. Here's the last quote for you, my favorite, at the moment. Hope you guys get inspired by the quotes and have a good day to all of you. :)
The greatest gift you can give to a special someone is your TIME. Its like you're giving the portion of your life that you can never bring back.
Oh, before I forgot, it's November! Time really really flies. I couldn't believe that beautiful and lovely October has ended. Kinda sad, because it was such a great month to me. Almost every good things happened in October, well, some bad things also happened too, but, in the end, everything that has happened only brought happiness and goodness for me.. it was such... ahh.. you can mention all good words for this month :) But yeah, as time goes by, life also goes on. Everything happened for a reasons and well, maybe it's meant to be ended this way, to me, to add another sweet,beautiful and memorable moments and memories to my life's history. Hopefully, November, treat me right and good the way October did, will ya? :)

A promise people break the most: I promise I won't hurt/disappoint you. ---The Love Stories.
P.S. I never promise anything quite like the line above. I just promise that I would give my all to make those people I love the most in the world happy, whatever it is. Hopefully, it wont hurt/disappoint them, especially you ♥:)
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