Countdown to Christmas! One more day to go. I changed my background music to Christmas Carols Medley from Boston Pops. Enjoy :)
Here's another Christmas day to be spent alone, in this big city, with no families and companions, can't feel the warmth and the joy and even the theme of Christmas. Seems pathetic but, that's the truth. But hey! It's almost Christmas time! Everyone should be happy and enjoy the day and the holiday, right?! :)

Dear Santa, can you lend me your reindeer to fly me to home, where all the family, love, joy, warmth and blessing gathered all around? Nahh, no worries. I know you can't. You need your reindeer to send Christmas gifts to every good child around the world, maybe I am not "good" enough to get a Christmas gift from Santa, or well, I am not child anymore, or simply it's because no snow in Indonesia, so yeah :p

Anyway, whatever happens, I still love Christmas time. I'll find a way to enjoy my day and be merry and be happy.

Have a blessed day and enjoy your Christmas' eve, butterflies! I'll see you guys again on Christmas day! :)

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