Man! Imagine!! Less than a month, 2011 will be over soon. Sometimes I forgot how time can flies this fast. So sad but so happy to give this month a warm welcome. I just love December, because it means, Christmas is near. I Don't have to explain again, why I love Christmas. Everybody loves it, I bet.
Anyway, last week, I went to Starbucks with my housemates and this is also one of reasons why I love Christmas. It's Starbucks Christmas Handcrafted Espresso Beverages!! I am not a big fan of coffee, but I like coffee and I'm dying to taste Starbucks Tofffee Nut Latte, but I change my mind right after I saw how tempting Cranberry White chocolate Mocha on the menu list.I should say it was delicious. I just love it! My girls are also love it. I'd love to have another go, next time I visit Starbucks, but I guess, I still want to have Toffee Nut Latte, so maybe in the near future, I will be visiting Starbucks quite often ;D
I also tried one of Starbucks Holiday Food 2011, Blueberry Cream Cheese Cake. It was okay. If only the pie is salty, it will be more delicious, in my opinion. I was more into Raspberry Temptation, which is a vanilla sponge cake with raspberry jelly on the top plus white chocolate drizzle, layered with cheese butter cream, but it doesn't look too appetizing and since you know that I love to take food pics, so, I chose Blueberry Cream Cheese Cake, as the Barista's recommendation.

It was 9 something when we finished our coffee time and decided to leave. Instead of going home, we headed to Centro Dept. Store to participate in Midnight Sale. I've got a special deal for my favorite Boyfriend Blazer. You know how much I love Blazer and Coat, right, and when I saw it, I was like, OMG!! I want it!! I tried it, and it fits perfectly. It costs 700k something IDR, normal price, but because it's midnight sale, they gave 50% off plus another additional 10% off if you have Centro member card. In the end, I only paid 328.000 IDR, cool, right? Wait until you see the pics yourself. You'd say, I made a good decision by grabbed it. It's worth every penny :)

Invio semi coat-blazer.
Oh, yeah, before I forgot, a week or two, before I bought the blazer, I also got another Boyfriend Blazer from Forever 21. It's quite cheap too, only 400k something. Sadly, not many sizes and colors left, I want the khaki color, but no s-size anymore, so I grabbed the black one. Now that I open my wardrobe, there are so many black blazers hanging there, but hey! As my dear friend always say to me, you'll never get too much black blazer, right? You could use it to any occasion, formal and informal, from a wedding to malls, simply anywhere :)

Forever 21 Boyfriend Blazer.

I just love them!! My favorite blazer ever! I won't stop finding another
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