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Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Month of Love

Hoah!! I've missed lot of things around here. First post on February is starting with this line

I'm getting lazier to update this blog.

You know the reason why. So, how are you guys? Currently I'm living my life with boring schedule and routines. Not much I can tell you about it. Anyway, yesterday was Ika's birthday. She's one of my close buddies at the house. Marla and I ordered birthday cake from Cheese Cake Factory and made a lil surprise for her, as we pretending that we forgot it was her day. Hopefully our little surprise could brightened your day, darla! Be Happy always. :)
Because of yesterday she was very busy so, we'll go out to celebrate it today. This explains why I should off from here now.

I'll see you when I see you. :)


You are only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely. ---Ogden Nash

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